Now that you mention them …
All that work in identifying names in Photo-Era is paying off. I have started looking at some of the aspects of how people, but especially women, are mentioned in Photo-Era.
Continue reading “Now that you mention them …”All that work in identifying names in Photo-Era is paying off. I have started looking at some of the aspects of how people, but especially women, are mentioned in Photo-Era.
Continue reading “Now that you mention them …”[Updated 2023-02-17 with chart]
Finding names automatically in texts is hard! (This is a more technical post.)
Continue reading “Name that name”I have been working on a variety of tools to explore the contents of the monthly magazine Photo-Era, which was published from 1898 to 1932. I have just made one of those tools freely available: a way to search the text of all of the issues: Photo-Era Search.
Continue reading “A new era for an old Era”